Chomthana Co, Company has plan to export Cremo ice-cream to the foreign lands, by starting export at the Middle East in next year. President Soh Chee Yong says, In another countries, many foreigners require Thai-made, fruit-based ice-cream, especially mango and coconut. Consumers have requirement very much and they focus on it. Thailand make fresh fruit-based ice-cream better than another countries. Cremo has a lot of market bases in the foreign lands. Cremo has strategy to export this brand to the United Arab Emirates. Even thougt, Cremo have dose not popular in Thailand, but This is the one of Thailand brand receive popularity from foreigners. The company makes a frozen bakery items, because it also obtains more requirement of city people. The Chomthana Co, Company is survey and analysis information. It is about cold-chain logistics and packaging services for investing in the future.
I think this company will be achievement because many countries order their product. Although, the Cremo ice-cream in Thailand isn't popular than Swensens and Haagen Dazs, but in the other countries, it is very famous because foreign lands there are many people that like to eat fruit ice-cream. In the fruit ice-crem, there is a healthy ingredient that people like.
The Chomthana Co, Company will be famous in the futuer.
The Chomthana Co, Company will be famous in the futuer.
Vocabulary Analysis Results
Text wordcount = 212
Frequency of list words detected = 15
Rounded Coverage = 7%
Words found
analysis = (1)
export = (3)
require = (1)
requirement = (2)
achievement = (1)
consumers = (1)
focus = (1)
investing = (1)
items = (1)
obtains = (1)
strategy = (1)
survey = (1)
Text wordcount = 212
Frequency of list words detected = 151
Rounded Coverage = 71%
I have ever know the Cremo ice-cream in Thailand before. The Cremo is not famous in Thai. I want to taste it.